Hostel Territory

So we've set off to Barcelona to live the dream and open our very own hostel. We're keeping this journal online to keep everyone updated of our progress, adventures and mishaps navigating Barcelona's booming tourism industry, Spanish bureaucracy, and daily life in Catalunya.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The steady stream of visitors continues with an old HSBC buddy, Jeremy, in town now. We've managed to get a pretty good deal of work done this week, but Catalunyan National Day and the Spanish tendency to draw one vacation day out to two or three means a short week.

We're meeting with the first of our potential contractors on Friday to walk through the site. I'm hoping our architect's time/budget estimates were not completely off.

Also I've been doing some work on the website. As always, feedback is welcome!
Somnio Hostels


  • At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    C'mon, I'm sure you got a better photo to put in the "Your Hosts" section. Use something from Facebook or something.

  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger Lauren said…

    Wow, harsh. Someone else told us it looks creepy, so I guess we should maybe make a change.

  • At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oops, I should have been a little more specific with my post.

    I meant to say that "I know you got a better photo to put in" in: I remember when I was playing around with that Facebook thing a while back I saw some of those great photo albums the 2 of you had from your travels. A lot of fun photos that would be great for a Hostel website and something your target age group could relate to better than they would with past company or passport photos.

    I didn't mean the photos were bad, but when I posted my comment it was a Photoshop crop of 2 passport photos linked together with different background colors.....and you girls already have a 1000 albums of great photos of the 2 of you together all around Spain!

    You should check out my NIE photo, it looks like I've got a receding hairline....oh...wait....damnit, that's the mirror.


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