Watching the Olympics outside of the US just isn't the same. I watched the Athens Olympics from London, where the highlights were Paula Radcliffe crapping out during the marathon and some teenage boxing sensation who barely eked out a silver. Hardly the the stuff of Olympic legends. The Milanese were even less excited about the Torino Olympics. I figured that Olympic games occurring a mere 154 kilometers away would spark some enthusiasm, but alas the only excitement they could muster was over was a pair of Italian ice dancers that got into a cat fight on the ice. So far, Spain has medaled in cycling and fencing. The coverage is a smattering of handball, windsurfing and judo. Titillating. The most international coverage their team has gotten has been for a racist photo shoot that they're playing off as an "affectionate gesture."
No good backstories, no rousing patriotic music, no graphics, no gymnastics color from Elfi Schlegle, and certainly none of the good ole American bias in coverage.
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