Hostel Territory

So we've set off to Barcelona to live the dream and open our very own hostel. We're keeping this journal online to keep everyone updated of our progress, adventures and mishaps navigating Barcelona's booming tourism industry, Spanish bureaucracy, and daily life in Catalunya.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I've written before about my love for google analytics. As we get more and more web hits (averaging about 100 daily now), my love just grows. It's so cool to see other sites linking to yours. For instance, today I found this, part of a great* series of articles about Practical Trip Planning that mentions and links to Somnio! I also found a forum of photographers planning a group trip to Barcelona discussing our hostel as a possible place to stay. It's really awesome to know people aside from immediate family and friends are actually out there talking about our business.

*(not just great because it mentions us, but it helps)


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