Hostel Territory

So we've set off to Barcelona to live the dream and open our very own hostel. We're keeping this journal online to keep everyone updated of our progress, adventures and mishaps navigating Barcelona's booming tourism industry, Spanish bureaucracy, and daily life in Catalunya.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Day three at the hostel went off without a hitch. Our friends Tom and Magnus stopped by last night for a couple drinks. Tom came bearing a congratulatory gift of cans of concentrated tomato paste. It's great to have the company, and it's fun to hang out with guests when they get back from a night out too. Although, Lee had to stay up until five am waiting for everyone to get in for the night. I've been taking the early shifts.

Other highlights included Lee and I doing karaoke in the lobby when everyone was out, more curtain making (only 4 out of 10 done), and collecting our first real e


  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    cans of concentrated tomato paste !!! yummy.

    I remember when I was a kid I enjoyed tomato juice.

    Since I am grown-up now, bloody marrie juice is hard to miss.

    Guests company is the joy when working in travel and tourism sector.

    Good luck.



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